A Faithful Man

A medical group came from Guatemala City at the urging of a Guatemalan business man from San Lucas which is near to Casa. He met some of the children and wanted to do something for them so they brought medicines.
Saturday is Parent’s Day so a number of the children will have visits but over 50% will not so we are trying to have games, food and activities for them on the school property.
In Matthew 25 we have seen 3 things concerning servants. First, what we have does not belong to us. Second, God gives us what we can handle. (Our responsibilities depend on our abilities.) Third, We must hrs (invest) what God gives us.
So now we see the fourth truth. A day of accountability is coming. You and I will have something much worse than an IRS audit. God will look at EVERYTHING we have done with what He has blessed us with. Romans 14:12 “So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God”.
It is critical that we Christians are faithful when He returns. The Bible says He is looking for faithfulness when He arrives. Will we be using the gifts and talents that He gave to us for His glory when He comes?