A Faithful Sevant #3

Today Karen, who has had a kidney transplant, went to court & her family has added and addition to their little house which is tiled floors and walls. It is possible tha she may return home in February. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Her sister is the one who donated the kidney and the family is very close.

I made dozens of radio shows today while Dottie continued to work on the Christmas gifts for the teenage girls.


Dottie's labor of love
Dottie’s labor of love

We have learned so far from Matthew 25, that what we have we do not own. It is all a gift from God. Also we saw that God gives us what we can manage. Our responsibilities always are in accordance with our abilities. He will never give you more than you can handle. He gives talents and knows your limits.

Third,God expects us to invest the talents and abilities that He gives us. The parable of the Fool who had a great crop, thought it was all for him and Jesus simply said that the man lost his life that very night and left EVERYTHING here on earth for others to use. In Matthew 25 the man who reeived 5 talents and the one who received 2 talents both doubled their gift.

Your potential is God’s gift to you. It is your duty to invest wisely. Both men received double their investment and the same word of blessing from the master. It is not the amount–it is the utilization of what He gives you.