
Alex has had a difficult time with the older boys but he has done a great job of reining them in. I am proud of he and Sarah. The change with Jim & Kate has been a blessing for the Esperanza down girls and with Adam & Vilma in Estrellitas and Billy and Olga in with the older girls things have been truly wonderful. Jessie & her helpers are good examples for the girls in Esperanza up.
Chad and Abby with the babies is a God-send and Lee & Candy continue to raise those younger boys unto the Lord. Nothing at Casa is perfect but we have a wonderful team making a difference. I have not felt this much confidence in the dormitories in many a day. God is blessing!
As I grow now into my 70s there are a few things I have learned. One is that Doing something is not nearly as important as Believing something. As I study the Word I continue to see Who Christ is and what He desires I leave as a legacy. It is my faith that needs to continue to built up as I prepare for life’s ending. What will I leave behind?
Casa Aleluya is an extroidanary accomplishment from a natural sense. But what about the Spiritual? It will nt be the buildings and property and programs that I leave behind that God will care about. Have I planted a spirit of faith? Have I touched enough children to bring them to Jesus? Have I touched enough children to leave a grow of ministers and leaders for the next generation?
I have no panic of death because I have a relationship with God. When we have that Father/Son relationship we see only that death is a going home. Life is not what I am doing today but what happens when I am gone.