Forgiveness and Mercy #2
We left Marlin & Analy in charge of our home carrying for the boys as well as Michelle while we are away.
Josue’, who was adopted to the USA, has returned to Guatemala to work and attend college spent the weekend with us. He asked me to disciple him.
We did exactly what we wanted. Dottie was able to sleep and sleep and I was able to read and read. Then I gave her the usual Christmas gift. I always schedule her a “lady” day with a facial, etc.
Larry and Sue leave Tuesday morning for a month with their family which is scattered from North Carolina to Auburn, Alabama.

You certainly remember the story of the king who had a servant that owed him millions and the king in his mercy forgave him. But the servant had someone who owed him money and when he could not pay he had him thrown into debtor’s prison.
The debt to the king was 10,000 talent. Normally one talent was 70 or more pounds of gold or silver. That would translate to 375 tons of gold. Forgiveness as seen here is the cancellation of a debt.
The king represents our Heavenly Father and the servant represents me. God has forgiven me of a lifetime of sin and offenses against Him. The debt He forgave me of was unpayable. Never could I repay Jesus for His mercy, His death on the cross and His mercy towards me. Yet, I struggle to forgive one offense against me.
If we put it in todays money we were forgiven $3,200,000,000 which is what we owe God and we are asked to forgive $4,000 from those who owe us.
If I cannot forgive someone it is because I have forgotten how much God has forgiven me.