Preaching Peace

Each child will receive a bag of candy for Christmas so you can imagine how many cases of cookies, chocolates, peppermint, etc it takes to make over 400 large bags of candies. It takes 15 kids helping me all afternoon.
Dottie had her exams and will require a biopsy so today we had to go to two different labs for tests.
One month ago the courts removed 4 small children, all under 7 years old, and gave them back to an abusve mother. Not even a month has passed and she ha abused them again. The judge placed them in another home without nearly the facilities and opportunities they would have had if they had been returned to Casa. We are sick!
Ephesians 2:17 “He came and preached peace to you who were afar off and peace to those who were near”. Jesus did not come VERBALLY preaching peace. His sermon of peace was His life.
You and I do stupid things that bring problems upon us and our family. Peter asked the quetion “What credit is it if you do wrong and are punished for it?” We all deserve punishment for our own actions.
But where true peace comes is when we suffer for doing good or for loving those who hate us. This world is ruled by hatred. It does not take a genious to look around the world and see the incredible abuse of one group towards another group. Regardless of all the speeches and sermons people still hate those who are different from themselves.
Jesus told the disciples that He called them friends. That is the bottom line. God is desiring us to be friends of all of His creation. It was hatred that killed Jesus and it is our hatred of others that kills our ministry. Oh, we do get blessed because we have a Father who is filled with mercy. But think how much He could bless us if we loved one another? I am guilty! It would be ridiculous to deny it.
Loving everyone is a tall order. I am not there.