The Boomerang Beatitude #4


Marlin and Analy enjoying the turkey
Marlin and Analy enjoying the turkey

Would you believe that the main newspaper in Guatemala, La Prensa, had as their main headline “Ten New Cases of Kidney Disease Every Day In Guatemala”. Incredible isn’t it?

The Doncilla’s girls went to the African Safari with GiGi, Olga and Billy today. They left at 7am & returned at nearly 7pm.

It is a special trip. Adam and Vilma took their girls to the circus in San Lucas. Jim & Kate have been taking small groups of their girls to the movies & a meal.


There are four stages of God’s design in history. First, there is the time of Gentile disobedience. God allowed the gentile nations to sink deeper and deeper in sin. During this time He was instructing Israel with laws and words from the prophets.

Second, there was the time of Jewish disobedience. This is when they rejected Jesus as Messiah.

Third, the time of MERCY to the Gentiles through the spread of the Gospel.There will be a fulness of the Gentiles when the last non-Jew will accept Christ.

Finally, there is  the time of MERCY to Israel when God will complete His plan of redemption and take away the hardening of the hearts of the Jews and He will save the nation of Israel in mass conversion.

In stage one we can understand it by what Luke writes in Acts 14:16 “In past generations He (God) allowed the nations to walk in their own ways”. According to Genesis 15:13 God set a limit on how long that generation of sin would last. He does have a limit and will have a limit on how far He will allow us, our families and our nation to go before judgment comes.

Ninevah is an example of what happens when a nation repents. If only we would learn from the story of Jonah that it is God’s desire for us to repent as a person, a people and a nation. If we do He is faithful to forgive.