The Boomerang Beatitude #5

All Dottie ever wants for Christmas is that I take her away for a few days so that she can rest. We had been asked to make a film on Casa from Saturday through Wednesday so this year she would not have her gift. But early Saturday morning the film crew cancelled so Dottie will get her usual Christmas gift.
We began yesterday sorting through our Christmas bodega and writing down how much of each item we have. For instance we have 40 body lotions so I will need only to purchase about 120-130 for Christmas 2015.
Small teams from Charlotte, NC and Mobile, Al. arrived today.
There are four stages of God’s design in history. First, there is the time of Gentile disobedience. God allowed the gentile nations to sink deeper and deeper in sin. During this time He was instructing Israel with laws and words from the prophets.
The second stage , The Time of Jewish Disobedience, Romans 11:30 “Just as you were at one time disobedient to God but now have received mercy because of their disobedience”. Strange scripture isn’t it? Because the Jews rejected Jesus God gave mercy to the Gentiles. Remember Matthew 21:43 “Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits”. The Gentiles who believed in Jesus and produced the fruit of the Gospels received the kingdom of God.
The third stage, The Time of Mercy for the Fulness of the Gentiles, is when you and I who are not Jews receive the mercy of God. God interacted with Israel for more than 2000 years until Jesus came and then He gave us the great commission to spread the Gospel.