A Fresh Start #7
My lesson for the oldren children Sunday was from the heart as much as I have ever preached here in Guatemala. Many make professions of faith but I do not see them achieving spiritually what they should
We are now a month from going home and so we are in “purchase” mood. All the medications for Michelle as well as us plus all the food we will have to leave for the 9 who live in our house as well as Larry & Sue.
Duke & Bob just stay so busy with maintenance and carpentry projects.
A fresh start (1) Do not make excuses or blame others for our situation or failures. (2) Make an inventory of our life. What have we learned from our successes and failures. (3) Take an active stance by exercising our faith.You cannot worry about what others think or say. (4) Refocus. I need to meditate on His Word. Think the way Jesus thinks.
Now, (5) It is imperative that should I be able to have a new start I have to learn to TRUST GOD! He, alone, will give me continual success. I must no longer attempt to do things my way. I can no longer simply depend upon myself, my abilities or my resources.
When I crossed from Mexico into Guatemala in 1989 driving a Ford Ranger with Dottie, 5 children and a dog I was truly frightened. I was not a man of faith. I was fearful. I even said to myself “Mike, what have you done?”
I had $2,000 and no where to go once we arrived in Guatemala City. Fifty people had said that they would support us with $10 or $20 per month. I had to get off by myself and pray. As I prayed fearfully– not faithfully–God spoke and said to me………
“What you have your need and what you do not have you do not need”.
Those words are my mantra. It is not my responsibility to provide the finances. I am to love the children and God will meet the needs.
If you do not learn to trust God then you will always do things the same way and get the same results. Nothing will change and you will miss the opportunity for a fresh start.