Biblical Principles of Success #10
Sindy 1 is still in ICU on a ventilator but no longer critical. She had a violent reaction when CO2 was pumped into her stomach. Her body bloated but during the night they were able to remove most of the fluids. She is no longer critical but still very ill.
Celia had a baby girl which she & Victor Hugo named Emma Dorothy (Dottie 2).
Adam took a group of our highschool boys to install stoves for 7 poor families.
I took Keiser & Sindy 2 out for lunch. After this situation with Sindy 1 I wanted to be alone with them.
Joshua said to the people of Israel “Choose you this day whom you will serve”. Joshua 24:15. So the #20 tells us that if we will be successful we cannot be afraid to make decisions. To not make a decision is a decsion itself. If you do not choose which way to go you will never know where that road would have taken you.
You can make things happen when you DECIDE it is time for your life to begin anew. You can make a difference in this world once you decide to fulfill the purpose of the life God has given you. Life is the sum of our decisions. I am who I am because of the choices made the last 71 years.
#21 “I have learned that in whatsoever state I am in I will be content”. Philippians 4:11. So many people never enjoy the small blessings because they are only hoping for the big blessing. Any honest Christian could write a spiral notebook filled with blessings that the Lord has given them. We so easily forget.