Forgiveness #1

ALERT!!! We should be ready in ONE month to rough in the plumbing and electric for the hospital. The architect will have the plans in 2 weeks and we can use a NUMBER of plumbes & electricians. Contact Tim at
Michelle, Oscar & Tatina began classes today at a special needs school in Antigua. Pray that they will want to continue.
Three boys are scheduled for arm surgery net week: Bryan, Emanuel & Mario will all have complicated surgery.
Recently Steve & I began to communicate & the old Christian brotherly love was still there. Maybe even stronger! His input into Casa cannot be measured.
So I want to share from my heart over the next few days of the beauty and need of asking for and receiving forgiveness.
Maybe I should start with the benefits of forgiveness because as we prayed blessings upon one another last night the presence of God was so real. Tim & Josue’ witnessed it and later Josue’ said to me “Daddy, you have to teach that. People need to see that. People need to feel that.” The truth is that it cannot be taught. It can only be seen.
Last night the forgiveness towards one another brought FREEDOM. I have been in chains for years due to my unforgiveness. Why is it that we would rather stay in chains rather than ask for forgiveness when we have offended another? I cannot describe the feeling last night when we separated but it was as though I had walked out of Angola State prison after years of incarceration.
As Steve and I prayed last night the second benefit I felt immediately was POWER. I cannot say where Casa would be had the problems not occured but I can tell you this. Satan divided one ministry and now there are two ministries more POWERFUL than ever. That is not the way to separate ministry but in spite of my errors God was willing to produce a second minstry and what Steve and Sheryl are doing is awesome and off the charts.
Immediately I could feel a difference in my HEALTH. Unforgiveness damages body and mind. This is another reason it is foolish not to leave your gift at the altar and go to the person whom you have offended.
The price of unforgiveness is always more than the price of forgiveness.
More to come!