Forgiveness #2

Years ago Bill & Mary Hughes came to Guatemala & laid hands on Dottie & me and the ministry. They have been monthly supporters for 26 years. Today she passed into the arms of Jesus. Pray for Bill & the family. She was a wonderful Christian and a dear friend.
A South Carolina International University soccer team came & ministered to the children. It was a well done operation.
Billy had his first school meeting with the house parents & school begins the new school year Friday morning. Michelle, Oscar & Tatiana loved the ‘special’ school they attended in Antigua.
Dottie was not feeling well so I went and bought groceries. I am sure I forgot many items she normally gets.
The first day of school went very well. The staff worked on a seting arrangement for meals so everyone can eat together which we have not been able to do in 10 years.
Why would I share about my own failures as a minister to a man who worked with me for years? The truth is that I have lived my entire Christian life realizing that I am only one of many who sin the same sins. Yes, I hurt a friend and it took years to get to where I was willing to face my sins. Am I the only Christian who lived with unforgiveness? I doubt it!
The 4th benefit I felt immediately the other night when I was forgiven was that a wall–a barrier–a gulf had been removed. I felt as close to Steve at the moment of our prayer as I ever felt to him when we first began building the baby dorm so many years ago. That was his first project with Casa.
Understand very clearly please! God blesses us in spite of ourselves many times. The blessings at Casa have continued to flow but not because Mike was a giant Christian and a man of faith. I was a weakling who was too prideful to approach a brother whom I hurt. Yet God still has continued to bless, build and provide. His mercy!!! But I know now that what God REALLY wants to do He can now do to the fullest since there is no longer a roadblock there.
More important than what I have already said is the truth that Forgiveness Brings RESTORATION. My brother is now part of my life again. A void ha been filled. He was so kind to me and did not hesittate to give me forgiveness.