Fresh Start #3
Dottie is down to the high school uniforms. So she has done an amazing job getting everything the children ready for school.
The American visitors had a praise time & dramas for the older children.

Yesterday I shared that the first step towards making a new start is to Stop Making Excuses for your past failures or your present circumstances. Quit blaming others.
Secondly, for a fresh start, realize that Pride will bring destruction. No one is above temptation. An arrogant attitude always leads to a fall. I cannot figure out everything myself I need Godly counsel. I need to listen to those who are knowledgeble in ways that I am not.
Walter helps me cpnstantly with the Guatemalan laws and regulations. Tim is whom I depend on for direction on construction and other areas. Tony helps me with computer glitches. Dottie is my source for common sense and calmness. The list goes on.
Another failure will come when we do not prepare.
Failing comes if we live a life of least resistance. A lack of backbone will condemn you.
Giving up too soon is the source of failure for many. Dottie and I had marital problems just as millions have had. We did not quit therefore we did not fail in our marriage. IT IS ALWAYS TOO SOON TO QUIT!!!