Fresh Start #6
The chairman of our board, Wes Hall, passed his medical boards. That is a real testimony of faith & perseverance. I am proud of him.
I finished the power point presentation for February. Minor helped me. He is so intelligent.

A fresh start requires that we no longer make excuses or blame others for our situation or failures. Next we need make an inventory of our life. What have we learned from our successes and failures. Third, we need to take an active stance by exercising our faith.You cannot worry about what others think or say.
Today we need to look at refocusing. The way you think will determine the way you feel. You can change your behaviour by changing the way you think. Depression, discouragement and distress are attitudes of the mind. They are choices!
You do not have to choose negative emotions. Romans 12:2 tells me that I can “Be transformed by the renewing of my mind”. That is the part that needs to change if you are going to have a fresh start. Quit thinking about the past. Quit worrying about the future. Memories only hurt if you allow them to.
How do you do that? First, Admit your situation. The way you destroy the hold upon you that negative memories have is to simply speak to your mind. David said “Bless the Lord oh my soul”. He knew he could speak to the negativeness and that it had to go.
Secondly you should meditate upon the Word of God. Fill your mind with God’s Word. That is all that matters!