Another Duck

We arrived in Lake Charles about 2pm where Malcolm picked us up.
Today is our 52nd wedding anniversary but we are too tired to celebrate.
Tim went to the transportation company that is handling the x-ray machine that was sent to us. Trusting the taxes will not be too much & that they will release it without a hassle.
I received an email from someone claiming that an accident had occurred & could I help with the medical costs. Knowing the person very well I immediately wanted to help but felt odd. So Debbie called the person & their account had been hacked & the hacker was soliciting money. Please be careful! It is incredible that people would steal from ministry.
Isaiah 43:18-19 “Remember you not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert”.
Do you want a fresh start? Do you want another chance? If you want the new you must let go of the past. You must overcome your past if you are going to go forward. I have memories from the past that give me strength and joy. My high school days were wonderful. My time in college was so enjoyable. The births of our children made us so happy.
There are other memories that bring sadness and if I allow them the opportunity they will produce depression.
Do you realize that even though I am over 70 years of age God is doing a NEW thing in this old man? For years we raised children, 4951 as of today, and loved doing it. But then came Antony with his kidney disease and his death at age 5. God did a new thing! He changed the direction of Casa. Now He is building a hospital for hundreds of Anthonys.
But before He could give me the “new” I had to let go of the “old”. We dropped from a high of 527 children to less than 400. It was confusing and I wondered what I was doing wrong. But God was saying that before I could move into the new the old had to be let go. What I thought was a failure was really preparation for another level of faith and ministry.
In other words when we let go of the past we have NEW CHOICES to make. God is recreating His NEW life in us.
Can you teach an old ‘duck’ new tricks? Yes!! He can and He will!!