Sunday morning we will be at the Prising Place in Charlotte, NC for both services sharing the power point for about 15 minutes and then in the evening service I will preach. Next Wednesday, February 25th, we will be at Roberdel Baptist Church in Rockingham, NC.
It was 9 degrees in Knoxville with a terrible weather report so we drove towards Charlotte to insure we were through the Smokey Mountains before bad weather which is expected tonight.
Would you believe I left my “preaching” clothes in a closet at a motel in Natchez? I get more absent-minded with age.
It is easy for us to refer to idols as what we saw in the Old Testament such as Baal, golden calf, etc. But there are more idols today than at any time in the world’s history. Anything that has a plae in your heart, soul and mind than Jesus is an idol.

A few years ago LSU was playing Ohio State for the national championship and when the clock hit zero I leaped as high as I could and screamed at the top of my voice. Before my feet even hit the ground I heard the voice of God in my heart saying “You have never jumped that high or screamed that loud for Me”.
I was filled with shame before I hit the floor. It as true! LSU was on my mond more than the thoughts of Jesus. As I examined myself I realized there were many other gods in my life. I read somewhere that men think of sex more than once every minute. How about making money or the food we will have today? What about pride in your ministry or accomplishments? Children, grandchildren, your home or your car or your position or your bank account or your sporting events, little league or any activity that takes you away from worship on Sundays?
Every sin! Yes, EVERY SIN is because of idolatry. We choose to allow some sin no matter how small to consume our thoughts more than our thoughts of Jesus. It is difficult for me to admit but sadly it is true.
My gods (idols) have been many throughout the years.