Mother Teresa
We are heading to Fayette, Alabama where we will be at Calvary Baptist Wed evening. From there we are going to Charlotte, NC to the prising Place Sunday morning and evening. I will share the power point briefly in the morning and then preach in the evening.
The women on staff & the older girls had a baby shower for Mariella. The boys in Vencedores have begun Bible study on their own with teens leading the study. The WV team is serving rid and beans to the poor.
The Alabama team is working together with the older boys moving dirt as the hospital continues to go up. The Oklahoma team is running the electrical wiring in the new visitor’s dorm. The carpentry classes began today with Bob instructing the course.
And the 150 windows arrived from South America so we have plenty for the various construction projects.

“Jesus is my all and all” were the words of Mother Teresa that I heard her speak that touched me completely. She said that when Christ called her to ministering to the poor and eventually to the lepers of Calcutta He used these words. “I have such pain at the way the poor are neglected”. It was at this point that this little nun began a trip of miinistry that is without equal (as far as I know).
Her life was a life that demonstrated to the world the greatness and dignity of every human person, the value of little things done faithfully for Jesus and others as well as the worth of one single person with the love of Jesus in their heart.
It was her relationship with Jesus that prompted her to love the poor. A number of years ago a young man from Boston came to Guatemala by riding a train from Boston to Florida where he took a bus to sounthern Florida and then a boat to Guatemala. Real dedication!!
He spent weeks with us and shared of his experience of wanting to help others. He had traveled to Calcutta, India two years earlier and when he arrived at the hospital of Mother Teresa he was told to enter a room where 12 men lay dying. He was told to sit on the pad on the floor and HOLD a man until he died. Throughout the night 3 men died in his arms.
Mother Teresa said “No man needs to die alone”.