Our Thoughts #2


Emmanuel's rebuilt arm.
Emmanuel’s rebuilt arm.

The workshops begin and I believe the kids are excited. Bob will teach carpentry with Esvin assisting. Larry will teach plumbing with Victor’ help. Kate is teaching art with Kersey helping. Flor will teach sewing.  Elena will teach cooking. This will keep everyone busy from 5:15am until 3pm non-stop. That is how you “wear out” teenagers.

Lou arrived from Virginia with a small team. Brother Teddie dropped by with some folks from Michigan.


Yesterday I shared with you that we must exchange our thoughts for His thoughts. Our thoughts are responsible for our actions. A trip through the Word will explain what is meant by thinking as Christ thinks.

Romans 8:6 says “Do not be carnally minded”. You can not be successful if you have a dirty mind. If you allow your mind to stay in the gutter you will fail in relationships. Gutter thinking means you do not arise out of that gutter.

Ephesians 4:23 “Be renewed in the spirit of your mind”. No doubt about it our mind needs to constantly be upgraded. We must realize that as we age God reveals more and more of His will which changes us from level to level as we grow in Christ. We no longer need to think like a child. We need to grow in Christ and listen to new directions.

James 1:22 “Be a doer of the Word”. Our minds need to control our activities. We need to think of what God desires for us to do. He wants us to grow and produce. If you have a child’s mind you do only childish things. A mature Christian needs to do mature things.

I suppose most important we need to think–make decisions–with eternity in mind.