Passing the Baton #2

Wes & Sueann could not arrive until 8pm but Mark, Gina, Dottie, Debbie & I were able to catch up. Melvin could not make it either. Melvin ministers to pastors & that is one of the most needed ministries in the body of Christ.
Today Dottie & I drove to KAJN Radio in Crowley to visit with Craig and Barry who has been an unsung pillar in the ministry of Casa.
Sunday morning we will be at Family Life, Lafayette, for both services and then in the evening we will share at Abundant Life in Marksville.
Hebrews 12 says “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us”. In 2012 at the London Olympics the USA women’s relay team ran a 40.82 second 400 meter. The women’s record for the individual 400 meters ws 47.60 by Marita Koch of Germany.
Can you see it? FOUR runners working together can outrun the fastest runner in the world when they work together. Everything depends on the handoff. It has to be smooth. It has to be within the given limits allowed for that handoff.
This means that God has a race for US to run and a race for ME to run. We are loners and at the same time team members. Paul says in II Timothy that he had fought the good fight, finished the race and kept the faith.
Not only do I have an individual race to run but I must run WITH others because WE can accomplish far more that I can alone. Don’t say that you do not “Feel” ready to run a relay. Gideon did not feel ready. Moses did not feel ready. Jeremiah did not feel ready. Neither did Peter or Paul or just about anyone you can name. What you feel is not important. It is being willing to take the baton God gives you and run as hard as youn can until it is time to pass it off.