Run Today’s Race
Mario’s surgery was successful although he truly suffered with the pain. However he is so happy that his deformed arm has been corrected.
We have hired a pediatrician to work on Saturdays & he will create a file on every new child as well as treat those needing attention. He began today.
The volcano Fuega is erupting at a rate of 6 times an hour. Everything is covering over with ash. The flights for Sunday have been cancelled. Pray that the flights on Tuesday will not be cancelled.
Did you ever notice how much a little mosquito can make yur life miserable. That is what it is like to worry about tomorrow. Jesus tells us that we are not to be concerned with the future but to concentrate on today.
The Lord will not give you great blessings tomorrow if we are not faithful in your duties today. I am only responsible for today. There is no reason at all for me to get uptight about what has not yet happened. You will NEVER get tired or worn out doing God’s work unless you try to carry both today and tomorrow.
God does not have to rebuke me for my own plans about tomorrow because my own plans cause me enough distress. I punish myself. Obedience to today’s labors allow me to sleep at night and take care of tomorrow when it arrives. I get to do it all over again.