We drove to Charlotte last evening so we would not have to drive Saturday in bad weather. CTwo teams coming to Casa this summer took us to dinner. There were over 30 of them. They emptied our car & will bring things for us. Now we can buy more for others to carry. Believe it or not we were able to find really nice bracelets for the older girls for Christmas so we purchased 150 of them.
Sunday morning and evening with Roy Tucker at the Praising Place located at 5431 Hickory Grove Road in Charlotte, NC.
I received some wonderful news from home today concerning our property. I will share at a later date but Praise The Lord with me!!

No childhood is perfect! “Leave it to Beaver” and “Andy Griffin” are not exactly the way of real life. “Father Knows Best” is a myth also. But I am thankful for my childhood. It was not perfect but what I learned prepared me for the rest of my life.
One of the most important things any Christian can do is be thankful. You will never be happy witing for something in the future if you are not happy with what you have now and had in the past. In fact, the Apostle Pal wrote to the Thessalonians “IN EVERYTHING GIVE THANKS”.
Now I have been “IN” many circumstances and situations in my life. I experienced highs and lows. A family where my father was always there for me. Two brothers who died due to alcohol and drugs. A strong Catholic school background that taught me discipline and hard work. Grandparents with whom I lived much of the year on their farm where I worked picking cotton, caring for animals and learning to arise early, work hard, eat well and sleep soundly knowing I had accomplished sonething useful.
I was both a football hero and a football goat. I suffered the joy of girlfriends who cared about me and those who dumped me too.
Just like all lives there were positives and negatives–good times–bad times–triumphs and defeats–life and death–weddings and funerals—wins and losses–PEACE and uncertaincy.
I like PEACE! I hate to be frustrated, defeated, unhappy, disillusioned, stressed, anxious or anything like that. It is peace I long for and I believe everyone wants peace.
It is when I met the Prince of Peace that my life became one of gratitude. I am thankful for so many things. The list is too long to write down. God has been good to me.
If you say “Mike, what about your 3 children who died” I can answer you with “I have been given 5000 other children”. If you say “Mike what about your aching back” I will say “EVERYTHING else feels fine”.
Be thankful!!