Two Minute Warning
The weather was beautiful today. Church was a blessing. A number of young marrieds returned for services & lunch with Dottie & me.
Satchel Paige said “Getting old is a matter of mind over matter. If you do not mind it does not matter”.
What would you do if God told you the two minute warning was about to begin? If you knew there was only a short time left in your life how would you live? Would you play to win? Samson was a man who was given a two minute warning from God.
Samson had wasted his life and all of his opportunities. God had ordained him from the womb to be a mighty man of God but he failed miserably. He lost his calling, his strength, his eye sight and his freedom.
So God gave him the two minute warning. His life was nearing the end. He had messed up as bad as anyone could have. Judges 16:20 tells us the most horrible loss of all. He had lost the presence of God and did not even know it. That is how far he had sunk.
But the whistle blows for the 2 minute warning and all of a sudden Samson learns that God will forgive and restore. You know the rest of the story. He brought down the temple of a heathen diety and killed more Philistines in that one act than he had slain in all of his years of warfare.
He knew he had destoryed the testimony of God by the way in which he had lived his life. He wanted to make a final attempt at a testimony for God. When we get the ball in the last two minutes we have one more chance to make a difference. When we get to the two minute warning the most important thing that we can do is listen to the coach and OBEY his instructions. Follow His plan!!