Unbelievable weather
The weather report became worse so at 10am I canceled Rockingham and we headed towards Fayetteville. The weather became colder and colder but we arrived in Crossville, Tn & will leave early tomorrow. It will snow and get down to 17 degrees tonight. It appears that the entire South including Deep South are victims of this mess.

When people ask me about why I came to Guatemala in 1989 my answer is “Because I knew I could make a difference”. There was a cause! Biblical prophets asked the question “Is there a cause?” and most assuredly the answer was “Yes”.
Dottie and I drew up a plan after praying and asking God for wisdom. Once you are convinced that there is a cause God has laid upon your heart then ask Him for wisdom and a plan to move forward.
Now comes the hard part. You must persevere. You cannot give up once you have heard from God. Look around you and you will see how few people finish the race that God has set before them. And if you have a tendency to think that you failed then remember that failure is temporary. It is only permanent if you allow it to be. So do not stop!
“Don’t stop” means you stay excited. Keep the dream alive. As long as you do not lose your enthusiasm and joy of ministry you are unstoppable. Then surround yourself with good and godly people who have a similar dream.
I am blessed with a wife who never wanted to quit and I am surrounded by staff and children who are filled with the joy of service. Forget Michael Jordan, Karl Malone, Patrick Ewing and Charles Barkley—MIKE CLARK has the REAL dream team.