Even when guilty
Little Antony had the final surgery on the varicose veins in his throat & stomach. Recovered quickly! There is still one procedure that will be done later.
Jim took some of his girls to the production of the Resurrection.
Next week we will begin making 50 more beds & buying new mattresses.
Emmanuel who recently had surgery on his crippled arm fell & cracked a bone in the same arm.
Abby is doing much better. She & Chad are doing so well as parents in the baby dorm.

Jonah cried out to God when he was in the water. Even when we are guilty God hears us. His mercy for Jonah and us is new everyday. God answered Jonah even when Jonah was being judged for disobedience. In Jonah 2:3 he says “For thou didst cast me into the deep”. In 1:15 we read that the sailors threw Jonah into the ocean. But Jonah knew it was God who was bringing judgment upon him.
Jonah DARES to ask mercy of God and for God to save him from drowning even though God was punishing him. We should never quit praying even when we realize that our own sin causes us to be in our difficult predicament.
God also answers when we are in an impossible situation. Verses 5-6 tells us that the water was covering Jonah. Soon he would be drowned. I can tell you one thing for sure that I have experienced. God will let you get to a place of impossibility before He answers our cries.
Have you ever noticed how life seems to come at you from every direction at times? I have felt OVERWHELMED at times. I felt as though I was sinking and the ship was sailing away and it would soon be out of sight.
But He Answers!! It may shake you to your foundation before He does answer but that foundation is the solid Rock of His Word.