Frozen (not the movie)

We were unable to leave Athens. It is truly frozen. Wrecks are up and down the Interstate so we hunkered down & will leave when we can.
Sue & Kate’s group of Arts & Crafts students are doing exellant work & they are so encouraged by the bloomng talent among the teenage girls.
Vilma, Adam’s wife, had some labor pains which are far too early but all tests indicte both she & the baby are fine. The baby will be born in BamaLand.
Casa now has a physician on staff although it is one day a week only. But it will allow better and faster diagnoses.
Emmanuel and Karen had their casts removed. He will require physical therapy but Karen is ok.
Most things we struggle over and find to be so difficult are really very simple. For instance so many people strungle and coplain that they cannpt find God’s will for their lives. Yet Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me when you seek for me with all of your heart. I will be found of you”.
It is so simple!! Anyone can reach out to the Creator of the universe who happens to be our Heavenly Father and he will respond. God knows you and He knows you as an individual. I only have 400 children but each is important to me. Each is mine!
God has millions of childen and each of them is important. Every life is important. Not one is witout importance or value to God. So He promises IF WE WANT TO FIND HIM WE WILL. WHY? BECAUSE HE WANTS TO BE FOUND.
Quit seeking His will and simply seek to know Him. There are a number of children that I have raised who are serving God. Not all have done so but those who wanted to know His will have done so. I did not all them. They know my heart. They know me. In my small way the influence of my love for them an God has led them to know their calling.
I hope that you can understand this small lesson. It is a life changer. Know Hime—find His will!!!