Home again
I returned to a handful of problems & so far none have been too devastating. A couple of sad stories though. We were delayed in Houston because of bad weather so the entire trip was cold and wet. We did have a few items stolen from our suitcases.
The two major constructions, Critical Care Unit and the reconstruction of the girl’s dorm into a visitor’s dorm, are moving at an amazing speed.

I get over whelmed often by the response when Dottie & I share about Casa. Sometimes we are even embarrassed by the complements. A person who feels as though he has done everything himself will not acknowledge the role played by others. That is pure selfishness.
Dottie & I came to Guatemala and God made it clear that what has happened over the years is the result of thousands of people. It would be impossible to thank one-by-one all of the people who have prayed, labored, given & loved the children.
Ingratitude is a sin. A large sin!
But to all of you I say “THANK YOU” from our hearts to you for the kindness and generosity you have shown. It is not about Mike and Dottie. It is about an army of the Lord serving Him and giving Him all of the glory.