Medial exam
Dottie had a folow-up medical exam and everythig was fine. So we finished packing & visited with our son, Chad. Thursday we will be home by noon.
Angelina & Marlin updated many of the photographs of children not on the web and discovered there are 42 children WITHOUT sponsors. Maybe you would be interested.

John 6:9 “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will that go among so many?”
When I look at all that the Lord has done over the last 26 years I am constantly reminded of this little boy and his small offering. No one pressured him nor asked him to give his lunch to Jesus. He did it from a willing and loving heart.
How many children do you have? It does not matter but I can tell yu that children do not always share easily nor willingly. Their favorite word is “mine”. But this one little boy set in motion one of the most unbelievable and powerful miracles and illustration of giving that has endured for 2000 years.
I am often asked “Where do you get the money?” or “How can you feed, educate, educate and clothe 400 children?”
The answer is simply. Whatever you have put it in His hands. He is the Multiplier!! He refuses to be out given!! This little boy without a name known to us gave willingly and lovingly.
“Never allow what you cannot do to keep you from doing what you can do!!!” (Batterson)