My Hero

I shared with the children the story of Palm Sunday and how it was the donkey carrying Jesus who had his feet on the palms. We are expected to CARRY Jesus to His destiny. Each Christian is the mouth, ears, eyes, legs and arms of Jesus. We are to carry Him to the world in which we live.
Please pray with us about a vehicle for Sebastian. If you have one you can donate to him then Tim can drive it to Guatemala next month.
Tonight I sat & did my Easter Sunday lesson for the teens. I want so uch to reach them all & what I am sharing is a message I have never taught & yet has burned in my spirit for years. Pray the Holy Spirit will touch them all.
We now have reached the 5,000th child to enter the gates of Casa. However let me share with you about my hero George Mueller who was born in 1805 and died in 1898. He pastored the same church in Bristol England for 66 years preaching over 10,000 sermons to that congregation.
Without TV, radio, worldwide communication he raised 10,025 orphans. Dottie and I have a long way to go. When he started in 1834 the entire nation of England had facilities for only 3,600 orphans. At that same time there were 7500 children UNDER 8 in prisons in England.
In the days before airplanes he visited 42 countries and preached at least once EVERY DAY!! He read through the Bible over 200 TIMES. He established the orphanage to glorify God. He wanted to demonstrate that God can be trusted.
You can see why I admire, love and desire to emulate him. But one thing he wrote has never left my heart and that is:
A simple truth is that could change the world if we Christians would do that.