Sindy is not doing very well. Her blood pressure is so high that they are using 4 different medications to try and control it. She has swollen, retaining water, and is so very weak. She knows the Lord but we pray that God would extend her life.
Teams from Tennessee are there & one has a tremendous testimony that I want them to share with our older girls. The world is filled with abused and molested women. It is not a Guatemalan problem. It is a devil problem.
I spoke for the final time on this trip up in Alexandria to the Rotary Club who helped along with 3 other clubs to provide us an x-ray machine for the hospital. Honestly, I have never had a reception like that at any civic organization in my life. There is no doubt they will be helping Dr Hines & Casa.

God desires that we ARISE over the circumstances of our lives. God wants and can bring good out of even the worst circumstances. Negative things happen to everyone who breathes. All of you know that we buried our only 3 natural children due to heart disease. It almost destroyed us. Separation and even divorce was waiting on the corner. We were so close to the end of our marriage when God spoke a scripture to us.
Micah says “Rejoice not against me oh my enemy for when I fall I shall arise”.
The devil was laughing (rejoicing). The joke was on Dottie and me. He was laughing at our pain and suffering. He knew he had us at the place of utter destruction and uselessness once we sighed the divorce papers. Everything would have been lost.
There would be no adopted children Tony, Chad, Liz, Becky, Tanya, Crissy, Michelle, Candida and Minor. There would have been no deeper experience with the Holy Spirit with Pastor Ken; there would have been no pastoring in Centerville; no experience at Christ for the Nations; no Elbert, Melvin, Frances and others who taught me; no Charles Rogers & WMF to introduce me to Guatmala.
There would have been no board, no staff and not one of the 5000 children. There would be no school, no dialysis, no hospital, et.
May I simply say to you that God has PRESERVED and PROTECTED this foolish child. He turned to the GOOD all that Satan intended to be bad. One mistake or act of foolishness can take it all away. Do not run–stand fast—hold tight—quit trying–let Him WORK!!
Satan is not laughing now!!!