Sometimes our calling is clear
The work on the drainage for the hospital is coming along. The teens had a game night last night and tonight the younger children will have games and goodies.
The teen who was assaulted is doing well. We had all of the examinations done. She is up and around and the other teens are showing great compassion.
We received a little Mayan girl, Claudia, this afternoon.

Jonah heard the word of God say that he was to go and preach to Ninevh so that they would repent. But he had no love for the Ninevites & decides he would simply go in the opposite direction. Ecclesiastes says that the duty of every man is “to fear God and keep His commandments”. Even if you run from God you will run into God.
There may be some things that are difficult for you and I to understand but RESPONSIBILITY and DUTY are not one of them. Jesus and Paul as well as the other writers and speakers in the Bible make our duties very clear. Love your neighbor as yourself; forgive; tithe; worship; testify and witness; be kind; compassionate; and about a billion other very clear instructions.
But, like Jonsh, we sometimes just do not want to give or forgive or love or turn the other cheek. The Word is clear. The instructions and blueprints are not difficult to read and understand. Jonah was told to WARN Ninevah and just like Paul warned everyone day and night(Acts 20:31) and tells us in Collosians 1:28 “Warn every man and teach them wisdom” so are we without any excuse. We are to WARN others of what happens to a person who dies without Jesus.
In Jonah 1:3 Jonah refused to hear what God told him. “Arise and go” but instead he rebelled and fled. Where can we hide when God calls us? He is the hound of heaven and will relentlessly nip at our heels if we attempt to escape His call on our lives.
You may never obey His call on your life but He will hound you until the end!