A weapon
Early this morning the police brought a little Indian girl who was being abused by her mother pouring hot sauce & chili pepper juice in her eyes. 5011 children to date!
Last night,Diego, who was sent home by the judge returned after being treated as he had before by his father.

I believe that one reason people have lack in their live is because they are not grateful for what they do have. Each morning when I awake I am frateful that I actually did wake up. I try to be around outside when the children are moving towards the lunchroom at 6am & I am grateful for how God has trusted me with their lives.
I am grateful that I can walk, see, hear, breath and , well, you get the idea.
The pressure right now is heavy on my heart and mind. Sleep eludes me too many nights. So when I feel the financial pressures I must remind myself of how generous and faithful has been to us for so many years. When the devil tells me we are in a bad place financially I think of how good He has been for so many years.
It is a warfare! One weapon God has given us is gratefulness.