He will answer
Another of our friends in ministry went home to Jesus yesterday. John Counts from WMF left this world a better place.
We submitted our paper work for our health license. When approved then we have to submit the paper work for the home itself. I cannot even express to you how much is involved in each of these procedures.
We have seen in the life of Jonah that God will answer our cry even when we are guilty; even when we are under His judgment and even when we are in an impossible circumstance.
He also will answeer us in the NICK OF TIME!! 2:7 says that Jonah spoke “When my soul fainted within me”. Has your soul ever fainted. Have you ever been so stressed piritually that your soul feels as though it can go on.
We know that people have prayed when they thought that the end was already there. It is too late! But, with God, it never is too late. He is the God of the last minute. He reaches down and touches us when we are sinking up to our ear lobes in the quicksands of life.