Today is Dottie’s birthday. So for a few months I am married to an older woman. Last year on her birthday I had back surgery. Twice in the last 5 years we were robbed at gunpoint on her birthday.
Tim wrote the following “Agustin was playing soccer and broke his collar bone. We were able to take the X-ray here and take him to the hospital in Antigua. The doctor set Agustin’s shoulder and put him in a brace for one month, no surgery. The doctor at the hospital said that they can use our X-ray so we don’t have to pay for another. In the afternoon, Marcos was working in the garden and cut his ankle with a machete. It took two of them several hours to put stitches in his ankle to stop the bleeding. “
We have spoken with Eddy about the condition of our social services as the government has asked that we do things totally different. Eddy was director before Carlos and goes a long way back with Casa. He will help us get a registered social worker and train three or four of our girls including Gladys to function as paralegals. It seems like the more we do for Guatemala the less the government there helps us.
There were alerts by the US Embassy concerning a massive demonstration that was an anti-presidential gathering. The President is accused of assisting the drug cartels pushing drugs from south of Guatemala through the country into Mexico. I have no idea if it is true.

The 10 commandments listed in Exodus 20 given by God to Moses begin with “I am the God Who brought you out of slavery”. That is remarkable as He does not say “I am He who created the world” or “I am He who formed the first human being” or “I am He Who has all power”.
We see that it is God giving the law to Moses. It is not Moses writing a document of man. This is not the Magna Carta or the Declaration of Independence. It is God telling man what He expects of us and how we can be successful in life.
The commandments apart from the first are God telling us what He has done for us. I will explain as we go. As I said yesterday if we lived the 10 commandments completely there would be no rape, stealing, murder, etc. There would be no soldiers nor policemen nor courts of law nor jails. We would live in a world of peace and a world dedicated to the love of God and His love for us.
What we will learn is that God hates slavery and that He is wants His children to be free. The Ten Commandments will teach us how to do that.