The greatest enemy of America
The two teams (x-ray and telemedicine) are getting so much achieved. It is a shame I have to leave. The x-ray is a digital machine and can be sent immediately via computer to any physician in the world. Immediately a little girl hurt her finger & the X-ray showed the break.
Add September 13th, PM in Bunkie, La to the schedule that we will have this Fall.

18,000,000 alcoholics
10,100,000 drug addicts
52,000,000 on welfare
58,000,000 abortions since 1973 in USA
15,000 divorces each year in USA
13.7 million single parents USA
15,000,000 children without a father 1/3
5,000,000 without a mother USA
USA debt is $8,000,000,000,000 (trillion) in USA
12.3% of girls under 12 have been sexually abused in USA
22% of all women in the USA will be raped (that is 35,420,000 women) in USA
USA population 320,000,000 (2013 161,000,000 women & 156,000,000 men) in USA
20% of all 10th, 11th, 12th grade students will drop out yearly 1,200,000
When you look at all of these statistics (& I just got tired of looking them up) you realize the greatest enemy will be God. He will judge a nation who does not honor Him.