Today was an emotional day for me as I am physically worn out. The inspections were so hacy on my heart. I was tired tat the graduation last night & just woke up this morning at 4 and di my morning exercises but am so exhausted now. But the joy of how well we did with the inspections is such a positive.
I am sorry that I did not update. Worst to dys of my life. Dealt with a number of emotional college students & with 3 different girls who left at 18 and now are without a job, food, etc. and asking me to help them. I prwached my heart out–they evidently never listened–now nee me. HEAVY, heavy HEART! NO SLEEP! FORGIVE ME.

So many of our children come here at 7, 8 or even older who have never been to school. Trying to get them to achieve academically is so difficult as they age. When they get 17 or older and are in 5th grade they get discouraged & feel it is a waste of time to stay in school.
Gladys & I had to deal with such a case today & I am afraid we were not successful. At 19 she can simply walk out of Casa without permission but she is only in 5th grade with no skills whatsoever. To each child is given an ability by achieve something. The degree to which she succeeds will depend on the degree to which she tries to ahieve. Although I understand them it breaks my heart to see a child want to leave without the proper tools to succeed in life.
The Bible says we must work the work of God while there is time. After hearing a broken clock chime 16 times an old man ran into the bedroom of his grandsons and said “Wake up boys it is later than I have ever known it to be”.