All Things
Change Wed Oct 7 to Wed Sept 30 for Glad Tidings Assembly in Lake Charles, La.
We dedicated Augustine & Dania’s baby Brittany, this morning.
Saraland Al and a team from Oklahoma arrived today.
We have had such heavy rains three days so the greenery is beautiful and the cleanness is worth the smell. Of course, the happiest person in Guatemala is dottie who is Queen of the Garden.

When it seems as though the world is collapsing in on you and you are trapped in a revolving door with no place to go except in circles it helps to remember two things. First, this too will pass and second If God be for you who can be against you Attacks against ministry is one of the devil’s most obvious and consistent methods of destroying our relationships with God, others and ourselves.
When you raise over 5000 children undoubtably some will never be appreciative and will come against you. In fact, there are families with only 1 or 2 children who experience this division and children who are not appreciative for the life given to them by that parent.
But when God says in Romans 8 “All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose”. Although I struggle emotionally when I have staff to whom I have been fair come against me it still hurts. When children disobey their dorm parents and cause emotional stress on those who love them and want to help them it is heart breaking.
But the bottom line as to why some people come to Casa and stay for years as they believe God called them to do and those who run when things get tough comes down to those two questions. Do I love God? Am I called by God for a purpose?
If we can answer “yes” to both questions then we simply bow our head before the Lord and push on through the storm. Sometimes it hurts beyond description but the rewards at the end of the race will put all pain and tears away for eternity.
Pray for us that Wednesday God will fill us with His wisdom & words to successfully go through this litigation. I pray for favor and for fairness both to Casa and to those attacking us.