Casting cares
Gigi is visiting & took the baby dorm children to the circus yesterday and the older girls to the water park today.
I spent a couple of hours in the Christmas bodega boxing gifts.
The acute care center is coming along quickly.

I Peter 5:7 ” Casting all your care upon Him for He cares for you”.
Worries and fears do not have to get you down. God does not want His children insecure. What weighs you down? What is heavy on your mind? It are these things we have to identify and cast upon the strong and willing back of the Lord.
Philippians tells us that we are to press on (3:13-14). When you think of the complete mess that Paul was before his experience on the Damascus road you wonder how did he overcome the fact he was a killer of Christians. How did he ‘forget’ his past sins.
He cast them on Jesus and he pressed on towards the goals set before him. We need to do the same thing.