Crissy & Ozzie
Our daughter, Crissy, and grandson Ozzie arrive Sunday.
Also we received 3 new children. Young ones ages 4, 7 and 8 arrived which gives Chad & Abby 66 in the baby dorm.
The roof poured yesterday looks great.

You and I are either going forward, standing still or falling behind. We stand still when we get complacent. Recently a smart aleck runner neared the finish line only to raise his arms and gesture for the crowd to cheer for him. Immediately only 2 meters from the finish line another passed him. Not only did he lose he looked as stupid as a goose square dancing. That runner stood still and therefore fell behind.
Paul tells us in Philippians 3:13-14 “Forget those things behind and reach forth. I press towards the prize”. Moving forward is the only way to avoid standing still or falling back.
We can never be satisfied with accomplishments of the past or believe that what we are currently doing is sufficient. We must accept every opportunity to to move forward to meet more challenges, reach more goals and make a difference in our corner of the world.