
The cost of dialysis has gone up due to the new children. The money given for dialysis since September was for construction of the hospital. We ask you to pray for an increase in funds for medication, etc. I know that this is an attack by Satan to try and discourage us.

The rains have knocked us out of electricity two days in a row for hours. The worst part is many of our college students have tests this week. Studying by candle like Abe Lincoln.



The government wnted these half-doors on all toilets so Bob, Larry & our boys are constructing and installing them
The government wnted these half-doors on all toilets so Bob, Larry & our boys are constructing and installing them

The third commandment says that we are not to misuse God’s Name. “Do not use His Name in vain”. Have you ever had someone tell you that sin is sin and all sins are equal? I would venture to say that using God’s Name is the worst of all sins. Read the entire verse in Exodus 20:7 “Thou shall not take the name of the Lord in vain. FOR THE LORD WILL NOT HOLD HIM GUILTLESS that takes His Name in vain”.

Does this mean that God will not forgive that sin? Guiltless does mean “not forgive”. Well, do not panic yet. The original language would say “do not carry God’s Name” and this indicate the committing of sin in the Name of God or Jesus. So to kill in the name of God is a violation of this commandment. We know that history is filled with religious people who have done exactly that.

The “forced” conversion of cultural groups to a certain religion and killing those who resist is a violation of this commandment. It is pure religious evil. Hitler’s hatred of the Jews is an example but I could write all day and never run out of examples where people have been martyred for what they believe and their killers claimed to be obeying God in the murder.