Faith is not knowing about God but knowing Him
The trade school classes presented their products & program to all of the old children today and it was very impressive.
Add Macedonia Baptist Church in Effie, La. on Sunday, October 4th at 10am & 11am to our schedule.
The vice-president of Guatemala resigned under accusations of corruption.
We received a 16 year old abused girl that just cried & cried. It has to be so difficult to come to a place like this.

Faith must be lived and not just believed. If you want to know what cucumber tastes like you it is not enough to read about the cucumber. You must eat it! The same holds for faith. Faith, Christianity and God Himself cannot be fully by reading about them. They must be lived!
Knowing about God is worthless until you KNOW God. Many people who are not even believers can tell you stories from the Bible. They can tell you about His miracles, His words, etc. But they do not KNOW Jesus personally.
It is not enough to say that you believe the Word of God. Yu mud live it!