Family Day
Billy, school administrator, decided that rather than have a Mother’s Day program he would have a Family Day program. It was very successful.
John & Sharon Harvey worked with us over 20 years ago and then have had a wonderful ministry for years n Chichicastenango. Due to health problems they have left although the ministry will continue. Hopefully they will visit yearly. Their ministry was and is a life changer.

Although I have been in Guatemala for 27 years I have so many weaknesses when it comes to being an administrator or even a good Christian. Warfare takes a toll on anyone in a prolonged battle. Recently I have used escapism to deal with the pressure. I awaken early,often at 3am, and walk for hours. I do have head sets and listen to the Word as well as listening to Bible teaching. But a nearly 72 year old man needs more than 3-4 hours of sleep each night.
The fact I do listen to the Word and Bible lessons keeps my spiritual man relatively healthy but the battle is physical and emotional. My back is in pain 90% of my waking hours. In fact, the walking relieves the pain better than pain pills, etc. Emotionally I am being bombarded on every side by a variety of problems and pressures mod of which I cannot control.
It is the lack of control of the situations that wear upon me. Waiting has never been a strong suit of mine. I know the scriptures and I know what I should do with all these pressures but I cannot seem to get over the hump. A major attack comes & eventually I reconcile it only to have another one or even two hit immediately. No place to run! No place to hide!
This too will past but it surely is not comfortable.