Our idols
I sent 4 teenagers to the blood bank at 4am because Bubba & Elizabeth’s child, Antony, needed emergency surgery.It appears something is eating the inner lining of his stomach.
Elias had a biopsy on the donated kidney & decisions will be based on those results.
The rains have begun. We have had such a dry spell & much of today was like a torrential downpour. Of course this is what provides water for the villages so it is an inconvenience that is a good thing. As long as no there are no land slides.
Please do not forget the child with the foot reversed as well as helping us with our schedule in September.

Continuing my thoughts on idols, which I have had and have many of my own, I want to share a true but sad story. In a major local news paper in a US state on the Eastern Seaboard there was an article that literally was 3 newspaper pages long with photographs and the story of how this church had constructed a $23,000,000 addition to their church. Three pages of all the new facilities, stories of the staff, all the new “toys” and the like.
Absolutely (I lie not) the adjacent article was 2 paragraphs long and was written by the same church publicist. It said that the famine in Kakr, Africa was tsking the lived of 10s of thousands but tho church with their new $23,000,000 donated $5,000 for food for children in Somalia.
Of course there are many countries and millions of individuals who did not even send $1 but it shows you that people believe that buildings are the church. But the church is US the childen of God. Do not let your building being a substitute for your compassion.