
Today we dedicated Natsha, baby girl of Andres & Estella.

We also were skyped into the service of Glad Tidings Assembly in Lake Charles during the evening service.

We are working on our September schedule. Call Debbie if you are interested in Dottie and me or Josue’. He will be in The Woodlands, Texas part of the trip.

Dedication of Natasha
Dedication of Natasha

The 5th Commandment is “Honor your father and mother”. God added these words “That your days may be long in the land the Lord has given you”. You can quickly see what is happeing to nations all around the world.  A nation where children do not honor their parents will be destroyed.

If your children do not honor you as their principle authority on earth then you are just a big friend to them. 50% of the generation of children today are growing up in homes where fathers do not exist.  How do you honor a man whose major contribution to the family was to impregnate your mother?

The number of people who cringe when they hear that God is their Father is huge. So many have been raised with abusive fathers or absent fathers.

But truly we have no excuse. Never call your parents by their first name. Seek their counsel. Stay in contact with them(even in a nursing home). Do not exploit them. I am sure you could list many other ways to honor your parents. There is no excuse to  disrespectful to them. Treat them special! They will not always be here for you.