The Baby is Here
Chad & Abbie had a 7 pound 4 ounce baby girl last night. Mother & baby are fine. Abbie actually pushed ONE time and the baby came.
Dr Lou and his team of specialists from the kidney clinic in Guatemala City came & did a great job of presenting why is kidney failure, why dialysis and what the children can do to help others. It was impressive.

Last night I made the comment to a couple of people “I wonder what God is trying to teach me.” When we walk through the fire and it only seems to get hotter there must be a reason. What is the Lord saying through the heaviness I am experiencing? I have had trouble many times before so why is this so difficult?
I sat back and wondered about my priorities. It would be so easy to just fall in line with the world. I could easily walk through this by simply saying that the dialysis and medical needs are just too much and therefore I will simply stop that portion of the ministry. But that is not what God has told me. If anything God desires we love and help more suffering children.
I could back off of building churches or helping the poor in other projects Casa is part of. But, again, God has not said for me to back up.
So what in the world is going on? One thing I have been doing the last few days is REMEMBERING THE PAST. God has been so faithful for so many years to meet every need. Why would He stop now?
Maybe He is telling me to slow down & let others carry more of the weight. Pray more! Study more!
Well, whatever is going on Dottie and I will continue to walk on through the storm.