Michelle, Tatiana & Oscar wo attended special education in Antigua went to the zoo today.
The Social Security Administration’s leader as well as 13 others were arrested and another 17 in the Health Department. It is an election year. The charges are financial corruption.
We spent a long time preparing for the legal case which we are praying can be resolved Wednesday out-of-court.
We received the health certificate for 5 years today—a major victory.

Robert Kennedy was assassinated back in the 1960’s and he had many words spoken about him. G. Bernard shaw said “Some men see things as they are and ask “Why? I dream of things hat never were and ask “Why Not?”
The Book of Proverbs 29:18 says “Where there is no vision the people perish”. The world says they will not believe what they cannot see but the Christian says I will dream of things that I see in my spirit.
If you are one of those who sees only with the natural eyes you will never reach the heights that few Christians reach. Miracles will be rare. You cannot look and say “Oh this job is too difficult.” As child of God you must see the potential in every problem.