What are you thinking?
Our lives today are the result of our thinking yesterday. The way I think today will affect who I am tomorrow. This morning I left early & parked my car & wrote down the 24 things that are causing me mental heaviness today. I proceeded then to walk 10 miles thinking on the positive sides of those negatives on my list. To change tomorrow I must change the way I think today.

One item on my list is staff relationships. Anytime you have more than one person on staff the devil will do all he can to destroy those relationships and damaged relationships destroy effectiveness in ministry, marriage or business.
Mark 2 tells the story of 4 men who so loved a paralyzed man that they carried him a long distance and when unable to enter the house where Jesus was preaching they cut a hole in the roof and lowered their friend into the presence of a miracle. This is what I desire for our staff as we move into a transformation of ministry.
Four things stick out:
1. Unselfishness
2. Cooperation
3. Belief that Jesus, alone, is the answer
4. Having our priorities correct.
We will look at these tomorrow.