8 years later

Eight years after proposing marriage and being accepted by Flor, Edvin finally went through with it and the civil marriage was performed by the mayor here at Casa in front of all of the children and visitors. It is never too late. And it was beautiful!!

Laura finished her short course in dialysis & loves it so much she is continuing in the field as her course of study. God really spoke to her. We are raising our own medical staff.

Pastor Dave is asking for the sponsors of students graduating from high school to help provide graduation rings. Felipe,our block layer, and Wicho, our guard for 26 years have each a child graduating and cannot afford a ring. They are not that expensive and you can contact pastor David for the information.

I was watching as the 21 year old murderer was before the judge in S.Carolina when family members of those murdered by him said over and over “I will not hate.”, “Love overcomes hate” and even more. It was incredible.


Me, Flor, Esvin & Dottie

Of all of the hearts that God desires for His children to have the one that sticks out the most to me because of Who our Savior is would be the heart of COMPASSION. Compassion cannot be hidden. It is possible to have those other hearts such as faithful, content and humble. Sad as it sounds we can have other ‘good’ hearts and not really care about other people.

Compassion seems to be the heart of God. Jesus always focused on others. He made Himself nothing so He could touch the leper, the prostitute, the poor and the dislocated. He expressed their hurt in His own heart. He felt what others felt. He cried when they cried.

Have you ever heard people say,”He is so heavenly minded he is no earthly good”? Well, that is a true statement. You can live inside a church, stay in prayer, worship, study and read the Bible and never truly care about the neighbor living next door.