This morning another of my high school classmates passed away. Harvey “Butch” Allums lived on a large sugar cane plantation & we spent so much time there together in our childhood & youth. May God bless and comfort his family!
Dwight & Betty feel the call to Casa. So pray that they will hear His Word clearly & move the mountain they need moved in order to come. We would love for them to come.
Brenda & Vivian came to visit. Brenda came to show me the photographs of her wedding & her church. They both are doing well in Christ. Even those who leave under negative circumstances have heard the Word & if they respond God blesses them. I am so proud of both of them.
Brandi took all of the university girls to the beach.
The judge sent Edwin back for which I am pleased.

Does sin affect Christians? You bet! It will not take away your salvation. If you are TRULY saved then you cannot be lost again. Even Nicodemus asked Jesus if he had to crawl back in his mother’s womb in order to be born again. That is impossible.
But what I do lose when I sin is my fellowship with God. According to I John 1:5-6 tells me that I cannot walk in darkness (sin) and in light (Jesus) at the same time.
That is why confession of sin when you fail is so important. God knows your sin. But you need to acknowledge your sin from your own mouth so that you can re-enter the light of fellowship with God. Confession is step one but it is absolutely necessary that you walk away from that sin. Forsaking sin is as important as confessing them.
The third part of fellowship with God is the restitution due to whoever you sinned against. Think about that a few moments!
Apologize! Repay! Admit!