The Huntsville team hosted a time of worship and performed 2 dramas for all of the older children.
A 16 year old girl killed a cab driver as part of the initiation into a gang. She was recognized & then burned alive by her neighbors.
Billy is doing well & will return to Casa Thursday.

You will remember that Moses sent spies into the promised land and 10 of the 12 came back frightened of the giants & so all the adult males with the exception of Joshua and Caleb lost their opportunity to enter into the greater blessings of God.
Today there are no giants around us (unless you live near an NBA team) but we are in a war. The battle is a spiritual one. It is nit fought with natural weapons but rather with the weapons of prayer, fasting, praise, worship and Bible study.
Goliath yelled and Saul hid in his tent hoping things would change. I know what that is like. I have experienced that same hope of believing that things would just go away. But God wants us to fight with the right tools.
Too often when the giants of life appear we panic.Instead we need to rip down the strongholds of the devil. My battle and your battle is to cast down imaginations: worrying about giants gets us nowhere. Standing on His Word brings victory.