Faithful Heart 2
The biopsy on Karen’s kidney was not difficult but we have to wait until Monday for the results.
The team helped lean my bookshelves and rearrange thousands of books & hundreds of photographs. I gave our testimony to the 3 teams visiting this week.

Not only is the faithful heart one hat serves as we saw yesterday but the faithful hurt endures. “To quit” is a disease amongst the world population. People quit when the marriage gets rocky or their job gets difficult. I watched so many athletic events over my life & what separates CHARACTER from the normal is when a person refuses to quit regardless of the score or the circumstances.
Revelation 2 says that Jesus when speaking to a church says, “I know your perseverance”. Can He say that about me? Do I quit? Do I run when it gets difficult? Chapter 2 also says, “Be faithful even unto death”. Will you stick to the calling of God even unto death?
A faithful heart means that you will not become double minded. You will stay faithful regardless of what you have to walk through. If we live long enough we will be faced by the decision of accepting the mark of the beast (Satan) in order to not be killed. The question will never be Jesus AND something else. You will trust either the world or Jesus.
That decision is a decision as to whether you live eternally with Jesus or suffer eternally separated from Him.