Happy surprise! Felix who left Casa 19 years ago, served in Afghanistan, was wounded and now is engaged & living in South Dakota & in college after 10 years in the US Army came to see Dottie & me.
Last night we received a 10 year old boy.

When we read Matthew 6 about the lilies of the field & ending with seeking first the Kingdom of God we see five truths. In verse 25 we learn that God has a purpose for our lives. He tells us to quit worrying.
Second, in verses 26-27, Jesus answer the question “Am I valuable?” It is sad how many Christians do not think that they are valuable or useful in this world.
He continues in verses 28-30 asking you and me “Who is your provider?”. I cannot provide all that I need. Everything comes from the hand of God. He uses our jobs or those who help Casa as His instruments but in the end it all comes from Him.
Forth, verses 31-33, Jesus asks us “Who is in control of your future?” Job 14:5 says “His days are numbered…I cannot live even a day longer than God has already numbered for me?”
But the key to victory is verses 33-34 “Seek first the Kingdom of God” and “Do not think of tomorrow”. Our lives depend on what we think. If you are worrying about the future you dishonor God. He wants to cover you with His love and keep you near to Him. Sufficient today are the problems.